Friday, September 12, 2008

I can't wait for Fall ..

I honestly can't wait for fall!!

I love everything about fall, the way the cool air feels in the morning, the way the leaves change colors, the smell of everyone burning leaves at night, having to wear a light coat and a scarf .. Oh, how I wish September 23 would come faster!

Then again, Beaufort doesn't really get a "fall" .. the leaves don't really change, they just stay green then fall off the tree's. Maybe this year will be different, and I will get a real fall!

I think one of the best places to go to to see leaves change colors, is Williamsburg Virginia! I barely got a glimpse of it last year, the leaves were slightly beautiful shades of red and orange, so maybe I will take a trip up there this fall.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

What a week..

I have pretty much spent my week out on the boat and relaxing by the pool..
-This is the pool at Islands of Beaufort-

Saturday, September 6, 2008

I have found the "Best" snack ever! I bought these Rice Crackers w/Seaweed at World Market. And I just Loveee them! They are great to eat while watching movies, on a car ride, or just for something to grab! I prefer the wasabi kind, but the original is just as good.
Try them!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

A Peaceful Place

I went to this place called Baker's Plant Nursery today and ended up spending $88.66 on some beautiful plants! (A.K.A.-My new baby's)!
My yard hasn't really been kept in years. My yard is plain, my family cuts the grass and we keep everything trimmed.. it's just we needed some new plants, since our other ones have grown up. (I will post pictures once they are happily in the ground).

One of my kitty cats, Feebee.