Sunday, May 9, 2010

A day for those beautiful women we call our Mother's!

Happy Mother's Day to all the fabulous mum's out there! I'm sorry for all those other bloggers out there, but I have to admit .. I have the worlds Greatest Mum! She is just the most amazing person I know, she has a beautiful heart, she's hilarious, sweet, caring, creative, one hell of a cook.. she's my best friend, and she always will be :D I love you mum!
I spent my Mother's Day at the Zoo in Jacksonville, Florida. It was a lot of fun! I haven't been to the Zoo in forever.. and this was a new Zoo to me, which was a lot of fun to explore! We saw the big kitty's and the little kitty's, the monkeys, apes, elephants, giraffes, bears, wolves, lizards, frogs, snakes, birds, huge fish, kangaroo's, an anteater,gators,crocs, a capybara.. and some others amazing animals. I really enjoy the Zoo, but I wish the animals were treated better. It's so depressing to see some animals in these little pens.. such as the sloth and anteater, the sloth had only a box to live in, and the anteater just went around in circles on concrete.. I just wish the best for them. I really hope they let them run around somewhere. Anyways, I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day!

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