Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Let's meet those little ones..

I went and saw Little Fockers! It was such a cute film; just like all the other ones. I am soo glad they had all the original characters in it. I really love Barbra Streisand and David Hoffman together, they are both such funny people, along with Ben Stiller (of course), and Robert De Niro! I also loved Jessica Alba, even though the girl is stunning, she is still silly, which I like. But really, you guys should go see it! It has some really funny parts!

By the way, oh my gosh, I forgot to tell you guys! My man, Paul Walker, is in Fast and the Furious Five! I am sooooo excited! They have all the original characters in the movie, (including the cute Asian guy from Tokyo Drift, who died!) -Can't wait to hear what actually happened to him- But I can't wait to see it!
Have you seen any new movies recently? I love hearing about the ones that actually get great ratings, unlike that Love, Sex, and Other Drugs movie, horrrrrible movie! And I went on a date to go see it, ps. don't go on a date when you see nudity in the ratings.. Anne Hathaway showed a little too much in that film. And the movie was just on going.. ugh.. so bad!
Anyways, I'm off to go out for the night with some buddies that are home for break still. I hope everyone has a great night!


Krystal said...

I've seen it too! I thought it was so cute. :] It was also really funny! I love all the movies. P.S. I love who Jessica Alba plays haha! Cooky, weird, awkward girl!

Rach said...

Ok soooo excited for the new Fast and the Furious. I watched the trailer and nearly died. Paul Walker is such a fine piece of man. And Vin Diesel's muscles yum. I am so glad that they had the original cast in the last movie and this new one. Can't wait!